Citrine and Topaz

November’s Birthstones

Learn the ins and outs of these dazzling gemstones


A collection of citrine jewelry

November’s Birthstones

Celebrate your birthday or a November baby in your life with the gift of their birthstone! Both citrine and topaz mark this month with their dazzling appearances rivaling sunshine itself. Brighten up a birthday with the gift of citrine or topaz jewelry.

At Shane Co., we especially love citrine, with its glamorous golden hue and more affordable price tag. Keep reading to learn more about citrine at Shane Co. and the history of both November birthstones.


One of November’s birthstones, citrine is found all over the world and has a history of bringing happiness to all who wear it.

Citrine Appearance

Citrine, a variety of quartz, is a transparent golden-hued gem that presents a warm glow to all who wear it.

Citrine History

Citrine has been found in everything from Roman jewelry artifacts to Scottish jewelry from the Victorian era. In Scotland, citrine was even used to adorn swords and daggers. Ancient Egyptians used citrine for talismans and Greeks carved images into it, using it ornamentally.

During the Art Deco era of the 1920s and ’30s, citrine was often seen being worn by Hollywood starlets as a bold accessory. Today, celebrities like Kate Middleton and Kate Winslet still rock citrine.

image of citrine necklace and citrine rings
image of raw citrine and citrine earrings

Citrine Meaning and Symbolism

Citrine is believed to be derived from the French word “citron,” meaning “lemon,” due to its honey-colored hue. Citrine’s aura is centered around prosperity, joy, and energy. With this meaning, we’re positive citrine will put anyone in a good mood!

In the past, citrine was often confused with topaz. Due to this misconception, people believed it to have the same alleged temper-soothing and calming powers.

People used to call citrine the “merchant’s stone,” since it was thought to bring prosperity to its wearers. Chinese Feng Shui tradition uses citrine to attract wealth, success, and wisdom.

Citrine Spiritual Associations

Citrine is said to bring prosperity, joy, and energy to any who wear or otherwise use it. It’s often called the “sunshine stone” due to its vibrant color and is believed to bring forth positive vibes.

Some believe that citrine helps manifest financial abundance and opportunities. It also supposedly helps cultivate confidence and personal power. Others think citrine facilitates intuition and clears any negativity.


November’s second birthstone, topaz, is also found across the globe and carries a storied past within its beautiful shades.

Topaz Appearance 

Topaz is sometimes colorless, but certain elements and treatments result in a rainbow of colors including light blue, orange, pink, yellow, violet, brown, and, very rarely, red. Blue topaz is often formed by heat-treating transparent topaz.

“Imperial Topaz” refers to another coveted color that leans toward yellowish orange — legend has it that its name is derived from the gem’s popularity with Russian royals. Most celebrate November with a yellow topaz, a color close to that of citrine.

Topaz History

Ancient Greeks and Romans prized topaz, as did other cultures throughout history. Topaz was used in the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Some say it was one of the 12 stones used to build the foundation of the walls of New Jerusalem. Ancient Egyptians also coveted the stone, which continued in popularity throughout the Renaissance period and beyond.

In 1740, a colorless topaz stone was discovered and mistaken for a diamond. Believed to be the largest diamond ever found, it was set in the Portuguese crown — after the truth was revealed, the stone was kept in the crown due to its beauty.

image of topaz ring and topaz earrings
image of topaz ring

Topaz Meaning and Symbolism

Topaz has a long history of admirers associating it with an array of special properties. The ancient Greeks believed that topaz gave them strength, while Europeans in the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries believed it could stop spells and dissipate anger. Many Indians historically believed that wearing topaz above the heart assured long life, beauty, and intelligence.

The ancient Egyptians are said to have used topaz to protect against harm, as it was associated with the glow of the sun god, Ra. Ancient Romans also connected topaz with their god of the sun, Jupiter. Other ancient peoples believed topaz had powers connected with the moon’s phases that cured insomnia, asthma, and hemorrhages.

As for the word “topaz,” some link it to the Sanskrit word “tapas,” meaning “fire,” or the Greek word “topazos,” meaning “to seek.” In Latin, topaz means “jewel.” Topaz is known to symbolize love and affection while improving disposition and intellect.

Topaz Spiritual Associations

Topaz is said to provide joy, generosity, abundance, and good health. It is also said to stabilize emotions and allow you to accept love from all areas of your life. Wearing topaz is sure to make its wearer smile, if not from its properties than from its beautiful color.

Did You Know?

We love topaz and citrine so much, we rounded up a few more fun facts about them. Knowing the history of the gems you wear allows you to carry their stories with you. 

  • The Portuguese crown features a topaz that was once thought to be the world’s largest diamond. 
  • The heaviest topaz lives in New York’s Museum of Natural History and weighs in at 600 pounds.
  • Topaz represents love and fidelity and is said to strengthen lovers’ bonds. 
  • In the Middle Ages, citrine was known as “the merchant’s stone,” as it was believed to attract prosperity.
  • Similarly, ancient Chinese society referred to citrine as the “success stone,” and Chinese emperors wore the stone.
  • Relevant to its history representing gods of the sun, citrine is the planetary stone for the sun sign of Virgo.

Citrine and Topaz FAQs

Can I wear citrine every day?


What is so special about topaz?


Can I wear citrine and topaz together?
