The Most Popular Celebrity Crushes in the U.S.

Title image for the most popular celebrity crush

If you’re anything like us, you were probably convinced that you were going to marry your celebrity crush back in the day. You might have even planned out your wedding down to the matching wedding rings. Whether it was Matthew McConaughey or Kate Upton, a celebrity falling in love with an “average” person is what romance movie dreams are made of — so why couldn’t it happen to us? 

In reality, it’s pretty rare that these mesmeric moguls entertain love interests beyond their circle of fame. Still, it never hurts to dream! That got the team at Shane Co. thinking, which celebrities are most commonly crushed on by Americans? Do residents in different states have different celebrity crushes? We set out to uncover all that and more. Read on to see what we found!

Shine like you’re on the red carpet with jewelry from Shane Co.! Who knows? Your celebrity crush might even notice your new bling… well, one can always dream. Shop below to channel your own star-worthy style!

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In order to uncover the most popular dream celebrity crushes in every state, we analyzed search volume for over 130 male and female celebrities. We used lists like People’s sexiest men alive, Trend Spotter’s hottest female celebrities, and others in order to compile our base of celebrities. From there, we turned to Google Trends data from March 2021 through March 2022 in order to determine which male and female celebrities each state is searching for the most.

The Top Dream Celebrity Partners Overall

Chart showing the most popular male and female celebrity crushes

Drum roll, please… The top celebrity crushes over the past year are Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Jennifer Aniston! The Rock may be the focal point of many memes and jokes, but turns out Americans can’t resist his perfectly carved physique. Representing the women is the star-studded actress Jennifer Aniston, who seems to only get more beautiful with time. And good news for all who have her at the top of their list: she’s single

The men that round out the list come from a variety of demographics and industries. Drake is the youngest of the men at 35, while 68-year-old Pierce Brosnan also makes an appearance.

The same is true for the opposing sex. There’s a solid mix of singers like Beyoncé and Shakira and actresses like Emilia Clarke and Mila Kunis that have caught the attention of the nation. 

The Top Dream Celebrity Husband in Every State

Map showing the most popular dream celebrity husband in every U.S. state

Though Dwayne Johnson can claim the title of “dream celebrity husband” for 11 U.S. states, the nation is divided on which male celebrity deserves the title of all-time dreamiest. In fact, 30 different men are represented on the map as the most swoon-worthy man by at least one state. 

There are a few local heroes worth noting. For example, Channing Tatum reigns supreme in his home state of Alabama; Ashton Kutcher, Cedar Rapids native, won Iowa; and Matthew McConaughey represents Texas, the state he hails from.

Many neighboring states have similar opinions, such as both North and South Dakota having the hots for Jensen Ackles, or the two Southern states of Louisiana and Georgia both loving Will Smith. Outside of a few geographical trends, there’s plenty of diversity in the most loved male celebrity. 

The Top Dream Celebrity Wife in Every State

Map showing the most popular dream celebrity wife in every U.S. state

There are similar trends when we look at the female celebrities stealing hearts. Twenty-nine different females made the map, with 21 of those being uniquely beloved by just one state.

While Jennifer Aniston is a clear fan favorite across the nation, other household names like Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, and Madonna also made the map. These women are responsible for shaping their respective industries, so we can’t blame America for catching feelings. 

These women also prove that love knows no age. From 26-year-old Kendall Jenner coming on top in Arizona to 68-year-old Oprah Winfrey winning in Hawaii, there’s a large range of women represented as dream celebrity wives! 

Closing Thoughts

We likely didn’t change your mind on your dream celebrity crush, but we hope this analysis provided you with interesting insights to discuss with your family and friends. And we won’t judge you if you still secretly believe you and that special someone will end up together one day. 

Whether it’s for someone who’s world-renowned or star-studded in your eyes, Shane Co. offers a beautiful selection of engagement rings to choose from when you’re ready. Our world-class designs and high-quality diamonds are sure to live up to celebrity standards!

Shine like you’re on the red carpet with jewelry from Shane Co.! Who knows? Your celebrity crush might even notice your new bling… well, one can always dream. Shop below to channel your own star-worthy style!

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This is b*ll
I cant believe that Sssniperwolf isn’t on at least one of the states
This is my official vote for Sssniperwolf for hottest woman in the world and i know my vote is a lot more accurate then Jenifer Aniston!!!
Thats for d*mn sure

Last edited 2 years ago by Bob Hendricks

She’s definitely pretty! But she’s… a really bad person…

why ain’t Zac Efron on here but FR Will Smith but not Zac Efron, Will Smith is the least attractive man on here! Ya’ll could at least put him on here!

Nah git trippping they didnt put zendaya , jenna ortega and cardi b

Y’all are sleeping on Taylor Lautner🫢

And on not one of the lists did i see zac efron. Like really? Why WILL SMITH? In my opinion he is not attractive but zac efron is.

Love the question, our list was based on search trends for March ’21 – March ’22. I’m sure if we did a list for a broader period we’d have a completely different mix. It’s always interesting to see who or what is trending during very specific timeframes.

My celebrity crush Tom Brady, he’s my ultimate dream guy!!!!!

bro where is madelyn cline

Honestly, this chart is biased!! I mean where is chris hemsworth (I know he is married do not judge me) and tom holland (sorry zendaya)

Add Matt Rife

michael jackson is my celeberty crush and obssesin

Tom Brady makes my heart skip a beat!!!! I’ve secretly had a crush on him for years!!!! He’s the GOAT in football but he’s also the GOAT of my wildest dreams and fantasies!!!

ehhh Not really into him

I’ll settle for Jodie Comer

Michel b Jordan

LIke seriously, wheres matt rife, Zac efron, louis tomlinson

justin bieber would’ve been up there i bet in like 2010-2012

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